At cove.tool, our goal is to build a better world through fighting climate change with our consulting solutions. This would not have been possible without our passionate team driving the cause!

Nahid Farzad

Meet one of our talented team members, Nahid Farzad, cove.tool’s Sr. Customer Success Manager.

We met up with Nahid to ask a few questions about her position at cove.tool, her thoughts about the company, and what keeps her busy outside of work.

cove.tool team members at AIA24

What is your role at cove.tool? What's the best part of your job? 

My job is to stay connected with our customers to ensure they have the resources to be successful with cove.tool. My favorite part of the job is collaborating with my team on solving complex problems for our customers. Loving your co-workers makes problem solving a lot more fun! 

What drew you to cove.tool initially? 

I’m personally very invested in sustainability, so it’s cool working for a company that helps make such a large impact on decarbonization.  

What do you do for fun outside of work? 

Is watching The Real Housewives of New Jersey an acceptable answer? Either that or cooking a long-complicated recipe that I’ve never attempted before! 

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? 

One day I’d like to live on a vineyard in Tuscany and split my time between eating pasta and producing olive oil.  

What is a piece of advice that resonates with you? 

If they aren't making you better, they’re making you worse. 

Want to work with Nahid and the rest of our awesome team?


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