



Sustainability for the Built Environment.

cove.tool is fighting climate change by helping architects, engineers, contractors, developers, and building product manufacturers use data-driven design through automation and cost optimization. We lead by example by making science and transparency central while pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

Sustainable Building Design.

Incorporating sustainable design and construction practices requires hard work, determination, and forward-thinking.

Reducing carbon emissions in the building industry requires effort from all the three stakeholders involved: owners to drive demand, architects to design for the demand, and contractors to execute design in a climate-conscious manner. Buildings account for 40% of those carbon emissions and 76% of electricity use in the United States. If we reduce building energy usage, we join the fight against climate change.

sustainable architecture

Net Zero Buildings & Technology.

The AEC industry has the potential to make a significant positive impact on the environment, simply by incorporating sustainability strategies into their architecture and engineering workflows. 

Data-driven workflows, enhanced by analytical insights, are making it easier than ever to take sustainability concerns into account in building projects. With advanced simulation tools and expert sustainability consulting, we offer comprehensive analyses across a project's entire lifecycle. Our services translate complex data into actionable metrics and visual insights, facilitating client discussions and guiding design decision-making.

sun hours analysis in cove.tool

How does cove.tool help?

In just 6 years, buildings designed with cove.tool have offset over 37 million tonnes of CO2

Architects, engineers, contractors, and developers utilize cove.tool for early-stage energy analysis through to compliance-level carbon studies, 2D/3D design, and HVAC planning. They skillfully select the lowest-cost and highest-performance material components for new constructions and renovations, leveraging our patented machine learning to effortlessly navigate thousands of options.

This success is underpinned by our innovative technology, which now serves as the backbone of our consulting services, bringing sustainable solutions to every project. Our commitment to integrating advanced tools and analytics ensures that sustainability is not just a theoretical goal but a practical reality, enhancing project outcomes and environmental impact.


What has been done so far?

Buildings designed in cove.tool have offset:


tonnes of CO2

What is this equivalent to?

Carbon sequestered by

611,798,181 tree seedlings grown for 10 years

Greenhouse gas emissions avoided by

1,402,337,464 incandescent lamps switched to LEDs

CO2 emissions from

4,500,777,912,947 smartphones charged

Greenhouse gas emissions from

91,841,605,741 miles driven by an average gasoline-powered passenger vehicle